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Geoff Roberts
| 4 min. read
Converting your units: why, when and how?
Although converting a unit into a larger (or different) space may be cheaper than purchasing a new property that fits your expanding investment property needs, it’s nonetheless a huge undertaking, both in terms of logistics and expense. If you’re...
Location, location, location
When it comes to locating the investment property that’s right for you, you’re shopping not only for the perfect property but also for the neighborhood that best suits your financial goals. In fact, before you even beginning to...
Geoff Roberts
| 4 min. read
Dealing with problem tenants
Chances are every landlord will encounter a problem tenant at one point or another in his career. Whether issues arise based on noise levels, delinquent rent payments, illegal roommates, or any number of other violations, dealing with problem...
Geoff Roberts
| 5 min. read
The 5 keys to managing a successful condo association
Whether you’re in charge of managing a well-established condo association or a brand-new one, whether your membership is 5 or 50, the guidelines below will make the difference between a successful association and an ineffective one. #1: Build...
Geoff Roberts
| 4 min. read
Dealing with tenant complaints
Whether you’re dealing with a tenant who files complaints rarely or frequently, due diligence is always essential. Tracking and addressing tenant complaints in a timely manner is important not only for keeping your tenants safe and happy, but also...
Geoff Roberts
| 4 min. read
5 tips for evictions
For obvious reasons, most landlords dread evicting tenants. But for as stressful as evictions can be, there are a number of things you can do to increase your chances of a positive outcome. Following are some tips to keep...
Geoff Roberts
| 3 min. read
To sublet or not to sublet
For some landlords, summertime means subletting time. And as we all know, subletting can be a tricky nut to crack. Part of being a good landlord is knowing how to carefully weigh your options and choose the scenario...
Geoff Roberts
| 4 min. read
Starting a property management group: Part II
In part I of this two part post, we presented ideas for assembling your property management group. Part II focuses on organizing, communicating with, and running your group. Organize your group … virtually Speaking of utilizing online sources,...

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