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Buildium Named One of the Top 10 Places to Work in Boston

When we walked into the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center that windy Friday morning, all we knew was that we had been named one of the Top 25 Best Places to Work by the Boston Business Journal. We didn’t know where we would rank. Twenty-fifth? Thirteenth? Only the presenters knew, and they weren’t about to skip around the order just to appease us.

We listened raptly to the descriptions of the companies from 25 to 20, from 20 to 15, from 15 to 11. Was that us? No, we don’t have themed lunches on Tuesdays. Could that be us? No, we don’t have pet insurance. Where were we?

It was only when they cracked open the top 10 did we hear our name, and we weren’t shy about letting everyone there know how we felt. We made some serious thunder with the provided thundersticks. And we whooped with pride when our co-founder, Michael Monteiro, took the stage to accept on our behalf.

“When I stepped up on that stage and looked out over all the other nominees, it was humbling,” said Michael. “Just knowing that we were in there with the best of the best was a real acknowledgement of how hard we’ve worked to make Buildium a place where people want to be.”

This award is not a reflection of how the industry sees us, or how our clients see us, or even how our peers see us. This award shows how we feel about us, about working together, about working for Buildium, about how it feels to come to work every day and do what we do best.

We extend our congratulations to all the other winners. But of course, we don’t know what it’s like to work for the other winners. We know how it feels to work at Buildium.

And today, it sure does feel fine.


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