The #BuildiumEpicStory debut: The most epic stories in property management

Tony Maiella
Tony Maiella | 8 min. read

Published on January 21, 2020

One of our favorite parts about being in the property management software industry are the incredible stories we hear from property managers. The thieves that stole all of the copper piping. The illegal gerbil breeding farms. The long-time renter hitching an emergency ride with her property manager to deliver her first-born baby.

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That’s precisely why, last year, we launched The #BuildiumEpicStory Contest. We wanted to give property managers a chance to tell their stories at our headquarters in Boston and produce a one-of-a-kind, creative video. After sorting through so many incredible entries, we found out that we couldn’t pick just one—so we chose two!

Buildium Epic Story Winner #1: The Ghost of Valerie

As told by Matt Borries of Prandi Property Management, San Rafael, CA


Buildium Epic Story Winner #2: Light & Feathery

As told by Mitch Johanson of RGR Property Management, Rockland, MA

So now that you’ve seen the winning stories, we’d love to hear yours. Share it with us on Linkedin, Instagram, and Facebook, by tagging @Buildium and using the hashtag #BuildiumEpicStory.

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Tony Maiella
46 Posts

Tony Maiella is the Director of Content, Creative and Experience at Buildium. With a deep appreciation of storycraft, Tony leads Buildium's creative team and content marketing strategy to connect and educate property managers with the latest insights to grow their businesses. In addition to being a writer, he also has an affinity for Brazilian culture and will pick up a guitar any chance he gets.

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