New feature announcement: eLease templates

Elyse LeBlanc
Elyse LeBlanc | 2 min. read

Published on December 6, 2016

When it comes to filling vacancies, an efficient leasing process is an absolute must. We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve added templates to our existing eLease capabilities. You can now create and reuse online templates for all of your lease documents and addenda.

Templates use auto-fill fields, so lease details like tenant names, rent amounts, and dates will populate automatically. You can also place signature blocks and add your own custom fields. This is a huge timesaver because you will no longer have to adjust, copy, or re-save different lease versions.

To see how eLease templates work, check out the screenshots below.

Step 1:

Create a template from the “eLease and draft leases” page. Name the template, make your headers and footers, and enter your content. You can edit, preview, copy, or delete a template at any time.

Lease Templates

Lease Templates

Step 2:

To populate your template, either copy and paste from a Microsoft Word document or use the upload button. This way you can take advantage of the auto-fill field options.

Lease Templates

Step 3:

Use auto-fill fields to quickly enter lease data. You can also place signature blocks and add your own custom fields.

Lease Templates

Step 4:

Follow the rest of the eLease process to use a template to execute a lease. Buildium will automatically populate the lease based on information you have entered previously.

Lease Templates

This eLease enhancement will close out a 300+ vote item on Buildium’s Suggest a Feature page. We’re very excited to hear your feedback! Leave us a comment below.

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Read more on Leasing
Elyse LeBlanc
16 Posts

Elyse has worked at Buildium for the past 3 years, starting in our Customer Care department and working most recently in Product Marketing. Raised in Colorado but a New England girl at heart, Elyse brings 10 years of customer service and training experience to Buildium, along with a passion for product knowledge and learning. Elyse has been a stakeholder in the ongoing update of Buildium's knowledge base and development of new educational content for customers.

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