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Geoff Roberts
| 5 min. read
Perfecting your pet policy
Generally speaking, property owners and managers are not required to allow tenants to have pets.* And, in fact, many properties exercise their option to decline pets on premises—for example, in San Diego, CA nearly 60 percent of all...
Renting in a recession
It’s only natural that the current state of the economy will have a trickle-down affect on vacancy levels and the going rate of rental units. At a time when everyone is tightening their purse strings, it makes sense...
Geoff Roberts
| 4 min. read
Six steps to building good business relationships
Building—and even more importantly, maintaining—good client relationships is essential to the success of any business venture. But property managers must be particularly conscientious about good customer service because not only are they building relationships with the property owners...
Geoff Roberts
| 4 min. read
Winterize your property in 7 simple steps
The temperature has gone down and it’s about time for you to turn up the heat in your properties. Getting your property ready for winter involves more than just adjusting the temperature, though. Here’s a quick guide to...
Geoff Roberts
| 3 min. read
Preparing a unit for turnover: 5 steps for property managers to take
For better or worse, preparing units for tenant turnover is part of every property manager’s job. There’s good news, though. Just a few simple strategies can go a long way toward making the turnover process more efficient and cost-effective....
Geoff Roberts
| 3 min. read
Renting to students: good or bad idea?
A line from John Belushi’s character in the 1978 movie Animal House sums up the concerns many landlords have when it comes to renting to college students: “Food fight!” While it’s true students can be hard on rental...
Handling security deposits
Security deposits—and how they’re handled—may be one of the most misunderstood topics for landlords and property managers alike. Part of this confusion stems from the fact that security deposit laws vary from state-to-state. For example, many states have...
Geoff Roberts
| 3 min. read
Keep your vacancy rate in check by retaining your tenants
I don’t know about you, but I hate filling vacant units. Maybe hate is a strong word, but searching for tenants, screening tenants, and doing showings just to fill a single vacant unit is a major pain. So...

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